Report it

You can now report environmental issues such as dog-fouling, fly-tipping, litter or graffiti direct from your smart phone or tablet via Mid Ulster District Council’s Bin-ovation App.
Each reported incident will be GPS linked so the exact location of the problem identified will be recorded, with a photo if you choose to add one, and contact details if you would like to get feedback on the issue raised.
This is a new function for the Bin-Ovation app which the Council already use to provide 24/7 recycling and waste management information. Simply download the app free of charge, from the App store or Play store onto your smart phone or tablet.
When the ‘Report It’ option launched in Mid Ulster District Council Chair of the Council’s Environment Committee, Councillor Ronan McGinley commented: “The Bin-ovation app has proved to be a fantastic resource in keeping residents informed and up-to-date on all key recycling and bin collection information across Mid Ulster. The new reporting function will enable residents to quickly and conveniently report environmental issues to the Council, which will help them to act promptly to resolve the issue. I would encourage everyone to download the app, if you have not already done so.